A master page is a template for other web pages in your web application with shared layout and functionality. The master page defines placeholder for the content which can overridden by content pages.
What is the Global.asax file?
The Global.asax file, also known as the ASP.NET application file, is an optional file that contains code for responding to application-level events raised by ASP.NET or by HttpModules. The Global.asax file resides in the root of an ASP.NET based application. At run time, Global.asax is parsed and compiled into a dynamically generated .NET Framework class derived from the HttpApplication base class. The Global.asax itself is configured so that any direct URL request for it is automatically rejected; external users cannot download or view the code written within it. Read more at msdn.microsoft.com
What is the difference between ASP and ASP.NET?
- ASP is interpreted. ASP.NET is compiled.
- ASP uses VBScript. However, ASP.NET uses C# and VB.NET which are compiled to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL).
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