Saturday, May 11, 2013

Notes on MVC Music Part 3 Tutorial

MVC Music Store is a great tutorial written by Jon Galloway. Using Visual Studio 2012 with MVC 4 Web Application Empty template, the following folders are note available:
  • /View/Shared
  • /Content/
  • /Scripts
Here are solutions:
  1. Drag /Content folder from into MvcMusicStore solution folder in Visual Studio 2012. If you just drag and drop in Windows Explorer, make sure it 'included in the project'
  2. Select Manage Nuget Packagse under Project menu to install jQuery. The /Scripts folders will create under MvcMusicStore folder.
  3. Add folder Shared to /View folder
  4. Right click on /View/ folder to add MVC 4 Layout page (Razor) and named it _Layout.cshtml. Copy the code in tutorial into this file. Also correct version of installed jQuery script. Here, I used jquery-2.0.0.min.js instead of jquery-1.5.1.min.js
  5. Right click on /View/Shared folder to add MVC 4 Layout page (Razor) and named it _ViewStart.cshtml. Added the following codes to this file:
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";

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